Pixels of the Week – February 12, 2016
Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks.
This week’s selection: var(–main-color), @supports, font-display, etc., you will know everything on those CSS properties, how to conduct an interface expert review, inspiring illustrations, food design and collages and some geometric illustration and SVG sprite tutorials. Also don’t miss the big selection of tools this week: a plugin to add fake datas in your mockups, a video gallery for mobile onboarding, a collection of free brush fonts, some Sketch plugins, free high-res food photos and a way to simplify making breakpoints in LESS
TL;DNR the one you should not miss
Craft, a Photoshop and Sketch plugin to add “real fake data” to your interface
Interesting article
CSS Variables: Why Should You Care?
Cute, smart and accurate: 16 CSS Lessons via Post-it® Notes
The One CSS Feature I Really Want and why @supports is awesome
#CSS #Font #Performance
Which font-display is Right for You? font-display: auto | block | swap | fallback | optional explained
#Design #Statts
How designers worked in 2015? A few data based on Avocode’s statistics
5 Steps To Conducting An Effective Expert Review
Controlling Elements with JavaScript classList, JavaScript has never been so easy
Inspiration and Great ideas
How to live like a creative: not sure about accuracy, but pretty fun to read
Interesting avanced search concept
Creative Layout Ideas From 50 Beautiful Print and Digital Photo Collages
Food. Love it? You’ve never seen it look like this. We can promise you that.
Video Tutorial: Geometric Collage using Illustrator & Photoshop
#SVG #Gulp
A Gulp-Based External SVG Symbol Sprite Icon System
Useful ressources, tools and plugins that will make your life easy
heyuser.com, a Video Gallery for Mobile Onboarding Design Inspiration
15 Beautifully Imperfect Free Brush Fonts
Making Sketch better… together, a few Sketch extensions
foodshot.co – curated hi-res food photos
breakpoint-less, a way to simplify making breakpoints in LESS (yeah I know, just like in Sass)
Fun, games, experiments and demos
Cute: Responsive GreenSock-Teaching Monster