Forget about apps, could the future be in the mobile browser? – My Nightlybuild 2016 Conference
Last Friday I was invited in Cologne at Nightlybuild to speaker in front of the German developer and designer community. The talk was about the many technologies and APIs our browsers now support (and will support in the future) tthat start filling the gap between natives applications and website/web applications. I’m not a developer, so I wanted to emphasize for my talk what those technologies could do for our users.
Here is the description of my talk:
Do you dream of pushing notifications to your website users to tell them the conference they signed up for is starting in 10 minutes? Of a browser-based chatting system with video and audio directly available without needing to download a single mobile application or plugin? Of transforming your website into a fully functional web app with a launch icon and a cache system? Let’s check out a few tangible examples to see what HTML5 APIs and CSS3 will achieve for our mobile browsers in a really close future.
You can find the slides as usually on my speakerdeck and here:
The video of the talk
The Nightlybuild experience
The concept of the conference is a little bit different from what I’m used to: this is an “evening afterwork” conference which starts at 5:30pm and finished at 11pm. It was a great evening, we had a DJ who sampled what we said on stage (wired experience to hear your voice, but fun) and Bruce Lawson as our MC for the night who would introduce speakers and ask them questions afterwards on a really comfy couch. The topics where very wide: Privacy and security, Complexity, Open source (and how to make it a more diverse friendly place for everybody) and CSS methodology.
The team and Cologne
I wanted to thank again the Nightly team for the amazing work they put into organizing this conference. And friends, if you around Cologne next year, you should definitely go there. I had a great time and met some amazing people.
On Saturday we went with the team and speaker on a streetart tour (there’s a few more pictures on my instagram. I didn’t know Cologne very well. The only time I was there I spent 2 hours in the center and did not enjoy it that much. I spent the weekend discovering a whole new neighborhood I didn’t suspect existed, with all those little shops, cafés and bars.