Pixels of the Week – January 30, 2022
Every day, I share on Twitter and LinkedIn a list of curated articles I read, resources and tools about UX Design, User Research, UI and mobile design, HTML, CSS, the web industry, some process, some inspiration, etc. This is an archive of everything I shared this week.
#Now – what I’m up to
I’m updating some teaching class and I made a responsive Figma component with variants and auto layout. I also talked about Enterprise UX this week at a meetup: the video is already online and you can also check the slides.
TL;DNR the one you should not miss
10 quick accessibility tests anyone can do, now there is no excuse to not at least do those!
Interesting article
#Career Switch
“Can Everyone Design? Expectation VS Reality” great article by Onsi Kahlaoui. I don’t necessary agree on the coding part, I don’t think you need to know how to code; more like to know enough about how browsers work to discuss with devs
#Web Content
Make Free Stuff, a really nice article by @mxbck on freedom of content and that maybe why we don’t need to try to monetize every single thing on the web?
Modern Fluid Typography Using CSS Clamp, accessibility concerns of this method and when to use it
“The breakpoints we tested in 2021, and the ones to test in 2022” An interesting overview of “popular” breakpoints for responsive webdesign based on frameworks, devices, user usage. I tend to have primary breakpoints for layout (generic ones) then secondary component specific ones “when the content breaks”
“A litter to all the bosses I’ve begged for a job“: I’ve sent hundreds of applications, competing with thousands for yet another ‘bullshit job’. And like many in the US, I’ve had enough” by Issy Manley. Sad but true reality depicted in a nice illustration
In case you were wondering where those strange COVID cures came from: The Attack of Zombie Science, they look like scientific papers. But they’re distorting and killing science.
Inspiration, fun experiments and great ideas
Wikitrivia: a fun game where you place cards on a timeline in the correct order
#Mini Game
“How the maps are drawn can make a big difference in which party winds up on top.” a game of mini golf to see how politicians tilt elections using maps (in the US)
Useful tools and resources that will make your life easy
UX Research Resources, Crowdsourced by the @JoinLearners Community Sparkling heart
Twoseven: an online tool to watch videos remotely with your friends together
Responsive Viewer is a Chrome extension that shows multiple screens at the same time to help you test responsive web design
Haaa this is lovely, tools to make the command line glamorous, yes please!
Two.js A two-dimensional drawing api geared towards modern web browsers. It is renderer agnostic enabling the same api to draw in multiple contexts: svg, canvas, and webgl.
Here is a simple and elegant markdown editor that comes with different themes to let you focus on your writing
A library of 3D shapes in transparent PNGs you can use for your projects. I like the little 3D hands
Videos and Tutorials
CSS Cascade Layers: An overview of the new @layer and layer() CSS primitives by @Una
Seven Sensemaker Questions by Abby Covert, the talk I needed to listen to but didn’t know. Gosh point 3, how much of the mess is even my mess to make sense of? Yes, those questions need to be asked
BrainHere’s why TARGET is worth $105B, using a lot of different strategies to make people buy more.