Pixels of the Week – January 6, 2019
Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools and useful resources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks.
This week’s selection: how to learn CSS, UX (fun) predictions for 2019, UI design advice and trends, some cool videos on game mechanics and game development, responsive design process, nice book illustrations and CSS pattern inspiration, some tutorials on CSS gradients and SVG and a prototyping tool.
You can follow me on twitter to get a dose of links every days.
I drew something
I was having fun and drew a fun illustration that is a tribute to Netflix’s Luci demon cat and the famous “Chat Noir” poster: Tournée du Chat Démon – Luci
TL;DNR the one you should not miss
Mandatory read for anyone working in Front-End: “How To Learn CSS” You don’t need to learn all the properties, but they’re fundamental things, however, which will make CSS much easier for you to use: selectors beyond classes, cascade, flow, box model, etc.
Interesting article
- “8 undoubtably true predictions for UX in 2019” haha I like the idea of summoning the dark arts, let me find my witch hat and a black cat 😉 Also yes, remote job looks fun ^^
- “Hey, can you ‘do the UX’ for us?” why UX isn’t something you add with a magic want on top of the project
- The Elements of UI Engineering – a great list of “problems” you need to solve on a UI level, with the advice to try to solve them without the constraints of the library / framework first
- “UI Design: Look Back at 12 Top Interface Design Trends“, some well deserved eye-candy to smoothly start 2019
#Video Games
- Diversity is important because a video game is much more than its gameplay
- “Good Game Design is like a Magic Trick“, an amazing talk by @Gaohmee on mitigating player experience with different game design techniques. I love this kind of behind the scene talks 🙂
- “It’s OK to not know what you are doing” another talk on all the small “hacks” and patching that game developers use
#Responsive Webdesign
“Responsive design“, interesting process, tldnr: think beyond desktop and work as a team, check the design in browsers because you build a website, not a pretty picture of it.
Hoo friends, look how far we’ve come since Firebug and the tools we have now “Using DevTools to understand modern layout techniques”
Inspiration, fun demos and Great ideas
Be Cards & Trustmakers Book Cover Design, a nice book identify and illustrations case study
Some people are having a lot of fun with siri (short video)
Conic gradients, some cool patterns made with CSS
“Making single color SVG icons work in dark mode” in-line SVG + currentColor +
supported-color-schemes in conjunction with prefers-color-scheme
#CSS #Gradient
Gradient Borders in CSS, interesting quick tip
Useful tools and plugins that will make your life easy
Draftium, another prototyping tool to test in 2019 🙂