Pixels of the Week – July 22, 2018

This content is 7 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful resources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks.

This week’s selection: multi-selecting from usability, accessibility tools, SEO and link building, Dark UX Patterns in advertising, interpreting data and biases awareness, UX glossary, typography, service workers, bidirectional scrolling on responsive sites, design system, illustration inspiration, font variable playground, syntax highlighting tool, etc.

You can follow me on twitter to get a dose of links every days.

TL;DNR the one you should not miss

#Usability #Multi Selection

Improving the usability of multi-selecting from a long list, interesting data and results, in the end it’s mostly about content hierarchy 🙂

Interesting article

#UX Design


#Mobile #Responsive

Bidirectional Scrolling is here to save Responsive Design – interesting idea, for tablets and TV interfaces (like netflix) but I wonder about desktop browser site, horizontal scrolling is still a pain for me so I wonder if it’s also for other people


The Importance of Design QA in Digital Product Design, a great read on insuring the quality of the products we ship. Time is not an excuse 🙂


The Real Reason Apple and Google Want You to Use Your Phone Less. Does this mean iOS wills to enabling ALL THE Notifications by default? 😀


You get strange emails from people trying to buy links on your site wonder WTF is going on? What you can do about that? Here is a guide to help you understand the business around links: “Linkbuilding: The Citizen’s Field Guide


How one typeface took over movie posters –  a small video on Trajan

Inspiration, fun demos and Great ideas


Some really cool illustration inspiration here


A font Memory Game, fun game, the responsive suck on that one though, if you are above 850px you get an overlay and can’t play, I wonder why :/


Please don’t leave children unattended in the library, a cute fun comic

#NOPE #Captcha

“Fun” captcha. NOOOOPE, this is not fun at all :/

Useful tools and plugins that will make your life easy


  • What is it like to be visually impaired? As a well-sighted person you’ll likely never fully get to understand that. But SEE helps you imagine what it’s like.
  • Accessibility for Teams – A ‘quick-start’ guide for embedding accessibility and inclusive design practices into your team’s workflow

#Variable Font

A fun playground to play with variable fonts

#Syntax highlighting

Carbon, a nice tool for my speaker friends who want nice syntax highlighted images of their code for talk slides