Pixels of the Week – July 3, 2015

Pixels of the Week – July 3, 2015

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks.

This week’s selection: a free bookmarklet to help you test website accessibility, color and conversion, new features of Safari and Android Webviews, CSS (box-model, block formating context, background-image:fixed, images responsive and responsive mega dropdown), some spoiler posters, a new Facebook logo, a JS library to help you detect scroll position and do fun stuff (lazyloading, etc.), a material design generator and don’t miss this week’s procrastination game for typography geek lovers and the cute little lion.

TL;DNR the one you should not miss


An nice accessibility visualization toolkit available as a bookmarklet


Interesting article


The importance of avoiding bad stock art, a primer for those who are unaware (should send it to some clients as well)

The importance of avoiding bad stock art


How Beats Tricks You Into Thinking It Makes A Premium Product, ou comment Beats utilise le design de leur produits pour vous faire croire qu’il s’agit de produits premium


Color vs Contrast: Which one brings more conversion?

Color vs Contrast: Which one brings more conversion?

#iOS #Android #Webview

iOS 9 and Safari View Controller: The Future of Web Views and Chrome Custom Tabs, the futur of the Android Webview

iOS 9 and Safari View Controller: The Future of Web Views


The Roots of Minimalism in Web Design


Interesting GPU-friendly fixed background technique using ::before, a background img, position:fixed and will-change


Today it’s back to CSS basic, understanding CSS’s  box-model and understanding CSS’s block formatting contexts

#Slides #Favicon

Death to Icon Fonts (and SVG FTW !!!!)

Death to Icon Fonts

Inspiration and Great ideas


Amaro and Walden’s Joyride, little mix between cratoon and video

Spoiler Poster Collection


Spoiler Poster Collection

Amaro and Walden's Joyride

Designer news


Facebook got a new logo

Facebook a un nouveau logo



When Responsive Images Get Ugly, long great read


Responsive Mega Dropdown, Amazon style

Une démo de mega Dropdown, Amazon style

Useful ressources


ScrollWatch, Easily add lazy loading, infinite scrolling, or any other dynamic interaction based on scroll position



Material Design Palette Generator, in case you need one

Material Design Palette Generator


Fun, games, experiments and demos


Cutest demo of the day: Chill the lion (I want wind too XD)

Chill the lion

#Jeu #Star Wars #Typograhie

Start wars + Typography + Procrastination = epic morning win

Start wars + Typography + Procrastination = epic morning win


Fun with prime, nice codepen demo (might kill you CPU after a while so pause it ^^)

Fun with prime