Pixels of the Week – June 17, 2018

This content is 7 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful resources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks.

This week’s selection: CSS animations gallery, predictive UX, prioritize product roadmap, rapid prototyping guide, designer new tools, variable fonts, remote user testing, inclusive cards, Specificity in :not(), :has(), and :matches() and other CSS selectors, building a web performance culture, 2 articles on search experience, feeds design and a great article with UX portfolio tips.

You can follow me on twitter to get a dose of links every days.

I gave a talk

#Performance #UX

week I gave a talk at Pixel Pioneers on perceived performance and how to make your site or app feel faster even when there’s no line of code left to optimize. You can find the slides of the talk right there.

TL;DNR the one you should not miss


Animista, a gallery of CSS animations to inspire you for your next project 🙂

Interesting article

#UX and #UI


#Product Design

3 ways to prioritize your product roadmap with a matrix, great read and I love how they used airtable for that

#Front-End (HTML, CSS and more)

Inspiration, fun demos and Great ideas


Super freaky recently declassified NSA security posters


2018 Logo Trends – always interesting to keep up with the trends



How to test accessibility of emails


Z-Index Explained: How to Stack Elements Using CSS