Pixels of the Week – June 5, 2015

Pixels of the Week – June 5, 2015

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks.

This week’s selection: mobile modales and default browser zoom, how to align irregular icons, some pizza app/mobile site user testing, the amazing Mad Max cars, a little bit of flexbox and WordPress performant images, a nice font for coders and the evolution of the mobile phone presented in an animated SVG.

TL;DNR the one you should not miss


The PLAY button is not optical alignment – interesting article on how to optical align irregular shapes, physics vs visual center. This is why it’s complicated to rely on CSS equal lengths to align, sometimes you need the human eye and to tweak it

The PLAY button is not optical alignment

Interesting article


#User Testing

Why you don’t need to test with your target audience for usability tests

Why you don’t need to test with your target audience

#UX #App #Testing

Pizza app/site user testing: easier to call the restaurant, more custom options on the app

Why you don’t need to test with your target audience

#Modal #Mobile

Modals on Mobile: How to use them wisely

#Mobile #a11y

4 reasons not to disable zoom in your responsive design, because you don’t know user’s intentions, if he has disabilities or accessibility issues or even the kind of device he will be on

Inspiration and Great ideas


Ninja Turtle Photoshop Layers! Idea by Jon Howard

Ninja Turtle Photoshop Layers! Idea by Jon Howard

#Mad Max

Vehicleshowcase.madmaxmovie.com for those who liked Mad Max’s cars (the site plays sound)



Uber’s brand guidelines site is pretty sexy

Les brand guidelines de Uber

Designer news


New Performance Tools in Firefox Developer Edition 40



#WordPress #Performance

The Complete Guide to Mastering Image Optimization for WordPress

The Complete Guide to Mastering Image Optimization for WordPress


Building Flexbox website, an online guide in case you haven’t had a chance to play with flexbox yet 🙂

Building Flexbox website

#CSS #Images

Handling responsive images with viewport units

Useful ressources


Some online markdown editors

#Ebook #Styleguide

Style Guides for Modern Designers, a free pocket guide by Uxpin

Style Guides for Modern Designers

#Font #Coding

Monoid – Open Source Coding Font


Fun, games, experiments and demos


CSS raindrops, not really usefull on a project but still sooo cool

Des goûtes d’eau en CSS

#SVG #Phone

This mobile phone evolution in SVG will make you smile and bring back some memories Une évolution des téléphones en animation SVG