Super Secret Powers of Mobile Browsers – Talk slides

This content is 6 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

I’ve been working on mobile design and mobile strategy for almost a decade now and I love it. There was a time when you needed to build a native application for almost everything. And users needed to download those. Natives applications were the norm, mobile browsers capabilities were super limited. Times have changed! There’s a lot, and I mean A LOT of things you can do today that used to be native mobile app territory only.

So, do you dream of pushing notifications directly in the mobile browser of your users? Bringing Geolocation features to your mobile website ? What about a browser-based chatting system with video and audio directly available without needing to download a single mobile application or plugin? Do you wish to transform your website into a / build a fully functional web app users will be able to launch from an homescreen icon, with Offline Support and biometric authentication? Let’s look at what HTML5 APIs and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can achieve to enhance the experience of your mobile users in the browser.

Here are the slides for my talk on the subject.

Slides are available on Speakerdeck and here

“Super Secret Powers of Mobile Browsers on Speakerdeck