Cheating The UX When There Is Nothing More To Optimize – Smashing Conference Barcelona
Last week (17th–18th of October 2017) I was invited to speak at the Smashing Conference Barcelona about perceived performance. The talk is called “Cheating The UX When There Is Nothing More To Optimize” and here is the outline:
You have optimized every line of code of your site / mobile application, used all the techniques at your disposal to have the fastest loading time possible. Yet, users still complain about the slowness. Let’s learn to use different design techniques and UX to work performance also at the level of user perception.
The talk on perceived performance and User Experience
I started the talk with the difference between objective time and psychological time and explained a few factors that play a big role when it comes to user perception of speed. Then I spoke about different kind of visual feedback for interfaces, loaders and progress bars, micro-interactions and clever animations to delight users and make the interface feel fluid and fast. I spoke about optimistic UIs, smart user distractions, skeleton screens, preloading and progressive asset display. During the whole talk I shared my experience while working on perception of speed on real projects.
Also if you are interested in animations and UX you should check my other conference “Delighting Users Through CSS Animation Techniques, ConveyUX – slides, demos“.
The slides
You can find the slides for the presentation online and here. I hope you will like the talk.
The conference video
You can watch the conference online here
The Sketchnote
Also there was a really nice sketchnote of the conference:
@WalterStephanie at #smashingconf Thanks for sharing your experiences pic.twitter.com/zNpUu7DZeL
— gabi_gabi (@gabi_gabi) October 17, 2017