Pixels of the Week – May 29, 2022
Every day, I share on Twitter and LinkedIn a list of curated articles I read, resources and tools about UX Design, User Research, UI and mobile design, HTML, CSS, the web industry, some process, some inspiration, etc. This is an archive of everything I shared this week.
#Now – what I’m up to
I had a blast talking at uXchange this week about what it is like to do UX research when working on an internal employee tool. If you are curious, the slides are available here
TL;DNR the one you should not miss
#Deceptive Pattern
Harry Brignull, the person who coined the neologism “dark pattern” changed its name, and also the website, to Deceptive Design Patterns. Time to update our vocabulary as a community!
Interesting article
- “Essential Terms You Must Know About Typography“, a beautifully illustrated lexicon an typography vocabulary
- Font Matrix – See & Pair Typefaces Like Never Before: Some actual good and understandable advice to help you pair typefaces, by the one and only @glyphe.
- “5 most annoying website features I (@lifeofablindgrl) face as a blind person every single day“
- Designing for Web Accessibility in 60 Seconds: a small list of questions that will help you identify better directions within the constraint of accessibility. by @davidakennedy
- Interesting information on PDFs, non-HTML documents, and accessibility by Whitney Lewis
- Oh, Google started to put some accessibility guidelines for some of the components for material design 3, including design but also code guidelines. This is nice, I hope we get this for all components. There is also a design documentation including information about landmarks, headings, focus order, labels and alternatives to images, and roles
- Super detailed article to make your CSS life easier: where() :is() :has(), what they do, how to use them with plenty of examples by @polypane
- “The Surprising Truth About Pixels and Accessibility“,aka, should you use pixels or em/rems units by @joshwcomeau
#UX Research
Tell me without telling me – Typical statements of a UX Researcher, fun an super accurate post by Sina Schreiber. Of course there’s my favorite in the list: it depends… What’s yours?
Delegation is an art, not a science, by Lara Hogan
#Big Data
“Muting your mic reportedly doesn’t stop big tech from recording your audio
We recommend using the double-mute technique”. This is scary, as usually. I think there’s a few Mac and Win apps to help you mute quicker though
Inspiration, fun experiments and great ideas
Corrie Beth Hogg is a multimedia maker, who, among other amazing things, creates beautiful paper plants and wrote a book about it. Check her Instagram and website.
Dataviproject, a really nice place to find inspiration to help you design the right most relevant data visualization for your projects
Play snek, in the terminal by @taniarascia
#Voice Interface
A fun Design Thinking comic on voice interfaces
Anyone in the mood for some stars? Here’s some100 beautiful images from ESA/Hubble (under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license )
Useful tools and resources that will make your life easy
#Ethical Design
ethicaldesignresources.com, place to find articles, books, frameworks, organizations, principles, tools kits and all tools related to ethical design, created and maintained by @lexinamer
Streamline launched a nice collection of SVG patterns
If you are looking for a place to sell 1on1 meetings, like mentoring sessions, you might want to give 1 on 1 a try. Zero fees for the moment and should stay free for early
#Responsive #Art Direction
Responsive images & art direction – Designing in the Browser an interesting video by Una Kravets
#Accessibility Testing
A 14min video on how to test accessibility with Chrome DevTools. Remember: automated tools tell you some of the issues and bugs, you also need to do manual testing. But it’s a automated tests is a good place to start.