Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – June 13, 2014

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – June 13, 2014

This content is 11 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks. I decided to put them all together in one place at the end of the week, in case you missed some. They are classified in different categories with some tags so that you can quickly select what you are interested in. Happy reading.

TL;DNR the one you should not miss


Greattalks.tumblr.com a collection of exceptional presentations and speeches.


Interesting article

#Fun #Git #X-men

Hahah brilliant: X-Men: Days of Future Past, Explained in Git (beware it contains spoilers)

X-Men: Days of Future Past, Explained in Git


43 Essential Controls for Web Applications


Designing for Mobile Part 3: Visual design


Rejectedlogocompetition.comsubmit the logos your client rejected to win a 500$ price, a fun idea.


Inspiration and Great ideas

#Object Design

<3 Coca-Cola Invents 16 Crazy Caps to Turn Empty Bottles Into Useful Objects

Coca-Cola Invents 16 Crazy Caps to Turn Empty Bottles Into Useful Objects


AirType, a virtual keyboard that allows you to type on any surface


Morning inspiration: Yeka Haski‘s adorable little illustrations

Yeka Haski


Theuniversaltypeface.com, what would an universal handwriting typeface look like ?



Hero-ine-s.tumblr.com what if comic heros were women ?



Today’s colorful illustration : meghunt.com

meg hunt



How to Create a Tiled Background Slideshow another great tutorial on Codrops to create beautiful slideshows

Tiled Background Slideshow

Useful ressources


Yeah another Yosemit UI kit for Sketch this time 🙂

yosemit sketch UI kit

Tools and plugins that will make your life easy

#Animation CSS

Bouncejs.com a really cool tool that lets you create tasty CSS3 animations  <3

bounce js


Accessible Mega Menu, a demonstration of how to implement a keyboard and screen reader accessible mega menu as a jQuery plugin.


And this week’s WTF: Ducks eating pasta
