Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – June 20, 2014

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – June 20, 2014

This content is 11 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – May 15, 2014

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks. I decided to put them all together in one place at the end of the week, in case you missed some. They are classified in different categories with some tags so that you can quickly select what you are interested in. Happy reading.

Weekly summary of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, HTML and CSS, webdesign tools and ressources and inspiration

TL;DNR the one you should not miss


Cutting-edge CSS Features: Blend modes, masking and shapes, the future of CSS looks REALLY COOL 🙂

Cutting-edge CSS Features: Blend modes, masking and shapes

Interesting article


So what kind of logo can you get for $5? @SachaGreif tested some logo designers on fiverr.com : The 5$ Logo

The 5$ Logo


I don’t know how to design a great read on design

#CSS Color

Name #663399 “Becca Purple” in CSS4 Color?, as a tribute to  @meyerweb impact on CSS, people propose to name a CSS color after his lost child.


Video: Using Radio Groups for Input by Luke Wroblewski

Video: Using Radio Groups for Input


Understanding the pixel grid (to help you work with font-icons)

pixel grid


Moving from Jekyll to Mixture by Hugo “Kitty”Giraudel : liquid FTW !!

Designer Great news

#Apple #Responsive

Bad News for Online Retailers with Separate Mobile Websites: Apple Introduces ‘Handoff’ at WWDC ( a new tool that gives users the ability to pass whatever they’re doing back and forth between their nearby Macs and iOS devices. )

Bad News for Online Retailers with Separate Mobile Websites: Apple Introduces 'Handoff' at WWDC

Inspiration and Great ideas

#Inspiration #UI  #Components

Call to Idea: inspiration categorized in components and patterns

Call to Idea


15 Ingenious Objects You Can 3d Print At Home


Justinmezzell.tumblr.com: motion study and cute little things that move




Nice and subtle hover effect for image thumbnails on Codrops

Nice and subtle hover effect for image thumbnails

Useful ressources


A collection of 841 free CSS and HTML5 site templates released under the Creative Commons

A collection of 841 free CSS and HTML5 site templates

Fun, games and impressive demos

#CSS Gradients

New CSS gradient possibilities with the background-blend-mode property.

New CSS gradient possibilities with the background-blend-mode property


How did I miss this ? Men + high heels + Spice Girls  = <3

And just for fun, a programming language based on the one liners of Arnold Schwarzenegger