Pixels of the Week – August 12, 2016

This content is 9 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks.

This week’s selection: form design, mobile optimization, CSS, SVG, wording in interfaces, optical alignments, product page inspiration, free photos and videos and a great Illustrator plugin.

You can follow me on twitter to get a dose of links every days.

TL;DNR the one you should not miss


Optical Adjustment – Logic vs. Designers, interesting read with lots of examples


Designing Perfect Text Field: Clarity, Accessibility and User Effort


Principles of Mobile Site Design


#Design #Wording

Is this my interface or yours? A piece about perspective


Some pointers on default cursors


Practical SVG: preserveAspectRatio and how to crop artboards in Illustrator

#Design #Research

Very interested read: Saudi Millennials Don’t Use Their Phones Like We Do

Inspiration and Great ideas


2 sites to bookmark: Pricing page inspiration and Product page inspiration

Webdesign news


SVG 2 new features



Horizontal lines around centered content


Refactoring CSS Without Losing Your Mind, conf slides


Zooming Background Images

Useful ressources, tools and plugins that will make your life easy

#Tool #Photos

Quite a promise: One place to find all the FREE Stock Images Stock Videos Sound Effects

#Illustrator #Layout

Layout experiments in Adobe Illustrator, interesting trick and plugin


Vocalizer: Help Others Pronounce Your Name Correctly