Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – July 25, 2014

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – July 25, 2014

This content is 11 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks. I decided to put them all together in one place at the end of the week, in case you missed some. They are classified in different categories with some tags so that you can quickly select what you are interested in. This week you will find some SVG really cool stuff, some great reads on how to make your site and app “look” fast and a place to find free images.

TL;DNR the one you should not miss


Fun concept that shows how a logo could adapt to screensize : Responsive logos

Responsive logos

Interesting article

#User experience

Top patterns and anti-patterns for first time user experiences (based on http://firsttimeux.tumblr.com/ )

Top patterns and anti-patterns for first time user experiences

#Mobile #UX

Hot User Input Design Patterns for Mobile

Hot User Input Design Patterns for Mobile


Designing interactions: start by writing a conversation


3 Tricks to Make Users Think Your App Loads Faster

3 Tricks to Make Users Think Your App Loads Faster



How to Define Visitors’ Eye Path to Lead Them to the Conversion Goal

How to Define Visitors’ Eye Path to Lead Them to the Conversion Goal


Yeah @chriscoyier put together a huge list of articles about SVG

Designer Great news


Airbnb replies to the logo criticism in an infography

Inspiration and Great ideas


Elements of Design, nice, short, great video

elements of design


Gardenstudio.com.br beautiful and colorful  portfolio with great illustrations <3


#Logo design

Generic and overused logos (that look a lot like the kind you find on crowdsourcing design platforms)

generic logos


I need this (or a 3D printer) ironPhone — custom made sketch preview tool

iphone custom prototype

#Product #3D

My.deejo.fr sells knives you can customize, the site is impressive




Responsive Images: Use Cases and Documented Code Snippets to Get You Started, now I have a headache


No JS Mini Demos by @scottohara (the Name & Email Form demo using pointer-events is pretty clever)

Useful ressources


Raumrot a selection of some free (CC-by) stock photos displayed by categories


#SVG #Pattern

Patternbolt, a collection of SVG background patterns

pattern bolt

Fun, games and impressive demos

#Media Queries

Morning procrastination: Media Query Super Mario (plays song)  <3

mario media queries

#Comics #CSS

Marvel meets CSS –  The Avengers – CodePen

avengers en CSS


Morning procrastination video: Game of Thrones, Season 4 – VFX making of reel