Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – Juin 6, 2014

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – June 6, 2014

This content is 11 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks. I decided to put them all together in one place at the end of the week, in case you missed some. They are classified in different categories with some tags so that you can quickly select what you are interested in. This week I selected some articles about Illustrator workflow and visual hierarchy, some really nice freebies and two places to some Fireworks extensions and Illustrator scripts.

Happy reading.

TL;DNR the one you should not miss


My Vector Workflow, An overview of using vectors in digital design : a designer shares his vector workflow in Illustrator

Interesting article


Redesigning Mary Meeker’s Ugly Internet Slideshow. I would agree with some of the comments with this one: for me some redesigned slides are harder to understand and there a huge lack of contrast.

Redesigning Mary Meeker's Ugly Internet Slideshow

#Fun #Clients

Client Feedback On the Creation of the Earth a really fun methaphore on the client/designer relationship


Quick read straight to the point : 8 ways to add visual hierarchy

 8 ways to add visual hierarchy

#Brand identity

Very useful summary “Brand identity: Typography, Let’s discuss jargon, file types and licensing”


Flags are not languages, a blog about designing for multiple languages on the web

Flags are not languages

Inspiration and Great ideas


Bevisionare.com : noise texture + nice illustrations + scrolling = sweet 🙂



The Poster Project Twelve inspiring posters by thinkers from around the world.


Colorful beautiful illustrations for this gray rainy day

The Poster Project


Cutest video of the week: Wayne the Stegosaurus <3

Wayne the Stegosaurus



Animating SVG Gradients a little tutorial to animate SVG gradients using <animate>

Animating SVG Gradients

Useful ressources

#Freebies #Apple

Free download: Apple product mockups

Free download: Apple product mockups

#Freebies #Yosemite

Yosemite UI PSD you can download for free

Yosemite UI PSD you can download for free

Tools and plugins that will make your life easy


Minicg.com  many little Fireworks extensions in one place



Many Illustrator scripts in one single place \0/

Fun, games and impressive demos


CSS Mars Landing on Codepen

CSS Mars Landing


John Oliver on Net Neutrality