All posts in Pixels of the Week (curated newsletter)

Pixels of the Week – January 3, 2014

Pixels of the Week – January 3, 2014

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks. This week’s selection: UX (advice for beginners, user blaming themselves, Chrome extension, etc.), accessibility for links, the rise of phablet, some nice timelapse, 404 inspiration, understanding flexbox and some ressources to learn Sketch. I also wish you …

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – December 19, 2014

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – December 19, 2014

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks. This week’s selection: articles and books about User Experience, a nice selection of articles and tutorials on SVG, Typecast is becoming free, a tool for flow-charts and mind-mapping and some nice icon packs TL;DNR the one you …

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – December 12, 2014

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – December 12, 2014

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks. This week’s selection: streethacking in Germany, performance and page weight, the fold and  “user don’t scroll” UX mythes , CSS and GIF animations, SVG loaders, paper prototyping and text message in movies inspiration TL;DNR the one you should …

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – December 5, 2014

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – December 5, 2014

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks. This week’s selection: user testing with a free ebook (and some other cool web designer free ebooks), a new captcha solution, some dyi pallet furnitures,  nicer text-underline solution, the CSS rule currentColor and what you can do …

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – November 28, 2014

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – November 28, 2014

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks. This week’s selection: UX myths, animations with physical models, flexbox for mobile, burger icon improvements, floating labels, user stories framework, e-commerce, some nice inspiration, a material design framework and some provocative French stamps. TL;DNR the one you …

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – November 21, 2014

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – November 21, 2014

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks. This week’s selection: user feedback mistakes, the whole “web is dead on mobile because of the apps” debate, mobile friendly label for Google search results, some pretty nice ressouces to help you with responsive newsletters and performance. …

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – November 14, 2014

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – November 14, 2014

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks. This week’s selection: principles of Responsive, user testing at Yelp, responsive images explained, the new Google Agenda, CSS menu inspiration, a JS library to animate SVG paths and a pocket book to help you create SVG, some iOS …

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – October 31, 2014

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – October 31, 2014

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks. This week’s selection: User testing at Yelp and some tips to make you clients care about their users, mobile touch zones and how to handle them when designing for bigger smartphones, some nice hover effects, the CSS display-table …

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – October 24, 2014

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – October 24, 2014

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks. This week’s selection: Apple and burger icon, public wifi security, mobile ergonomics and touch areas, cognition and UX, what would happen if we printed 1year of Instagram pictures, a nice lettering project, online tool to generate CSS clip-path, …

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – October 17, 2014

Pixels of the Week: Web Design links not to miss – October 17, 2014

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks. This week’s selection: Flexbox cheasheet to better understand the syntaxe, some tips for pricing and navigating through the mobile maze, and article on how you brain “sees” a logo, the new Android version called “Lillopop”, nices fonts …