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4 Non Design/Tech Books That Help My Career

4 Non Design/Tech Books That Help My Career

This year, I started reading less technical books this year and instead read more books about management, leadership and human relationships at work. Those books help me build my career and I hope also help me become a better co-worker. Here is a selection of the last 4 books I finished that are all about team management, getting better (or starting) public speaking, surviving and staying creative in a corporate company and holding up as a women in tech.

Where to easily find free CC0 images for your projects

Where to easily find free CC0 images for your projects

This content is 10 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.More and more sites offer great images under Creative Commons 4 – CC BY 4.0 you can use for free. This is great if you can actually attribute the author. If you can’t attribute for any reason (sometimes clients won’t let you, sometimes it’s hard to add yet another attribution on the poster where you have already so many legal text), you could always look for images under the Creative …

Interface Animations and Transitions: where to get inspiration

Interface Animations and Transitions: where to get inspiration

This content is 12 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.In UI and UX design every little detail tends to count more and more. Providing the user with small transitions and animations between interface elements is today part of the global user experience of both native application and websites. The great “Transitional Interfaces” shall give you more details on how some small little animation can have a deep impact on user experience. And it’s our job as …