All posts in Pixels of the Week (curated newsletter)
Pixels of the Week – April 19, 2020
👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: Accessibility for UX Designers, frontend bookmarks, how to give constructive design feedback, colors in design systems, tips for designing remotely, pushing the limits of CSS, image techniques, a trick for minimum viable CSS dark mode, CSS diagonale layouts, UI design principes, responsive behavior, how people read on the internet, a fun game in the browser and mooooore…
Pixels of the Week – April 12, 2020
👉Your curated weekly Design and Front-End ressources: responsive web design, all you need to know about button design, visual hierarchy, Information Architecture Lenses cards, CSS transformation properties, LCH colors in CSS, a web glossary, typography inspiration, Bad Actor Workshops, remote UX tips, web accessibility report, color combinations, SVG icons customisation tool, is this a sandwich quizz, a free ebook on PWAS, beautiful illustrations, the design jargon problem, finding confidence in design choices, how to get help from an expert, etc.
Pixels of the Week – April 5, 2020
Your weekly curated UX, UI Design and Front-End resources and tools: remote usability testing, alternatives for in-person workshops, a how tech works video, measuring delight, accessibility, user interview field guide, a nice free ebook on user experience, color contrast checker, color palettes with fun names, cute colorable sheets, Apple’s attack on service workers, design sprints pitfalls, free video games, neon art, the coming back of teaching designers to code, a “are you a real developer” quizz, etc.
Pixels of the Week – March 29, 2020
Your weekly curated UX, UI Design and Front-End resources and tools: stop blindly following Google and Apple’s UI, remote UX workshops, CSS and screenreaders, UX podcast on how complex surveys are, a method to organize digital information, Mobile usability (onboarding and phone field), Web Accessibility Checklist, remote usability testing, CSS tutorials (currentColor, scrollbar, box-shadow), SVG optimization tools, free illustrations, some fun online art generation experiment, etc.
Pixels of the Week – March 22, 2020
Your weekly curated UX, UI Design and Front-End resources and tools: form elements, remote UX strategies, remote workshops, teaching tech, CSS viewport units, psychology and behaviour change, the problem with snackbars, accessibility resources, usability test template, design system resources, online video conference tools, books to read, the ROI of design, accessible SVG, and some fun illustrations for your inspiration.
Pixels of the Week – March 15, 2020
Your weekly curated UX, UI Design and Front-End resources and tools: inclusive forms, choosing the right user research method,User Journey Maps, podcasts and videos to learn UX design, prototyping tool, a:visited in CSS, UI guidelines, CSS links on hover, CSS box alignments, resources to help you work remotely, fiverr is still bad an unethical, CSS gradients, cross cultural design, capital letters readability guidelines, etc.
Pixels of the Week – March 8, 2020
Your weekly curated UX, UI Design and Front-End resources and tools: stop using material design text fields, CSS fixed header and slide out tutorials, deciding between modal vs page, CSS selectors explanation tool, UX workshop activities, more ethical design patterns, 5 visual design principles, testing other people’s sites, designing for edge cases, etc.
Pixels of the Week – March 1, 2020
Your weekly curated UX, UI Design and Front-End resources and tools: 10 UX deceptive patterns illustrated, dataviz and maps, mobile UX with one hand, HTML data attributes, product prioritization matrices, drag and drop usability, qualitative user research guide, mental models, accessibility color contrast ratio explained, accessibility dont’s design tasks in the hiring process, CSS stats, free people illustrations, styling buttons in CSS, is consistency killing creativity, etc.
Pixels of the Week – February 23, 2020
Your weekly curated UX, UI Design and Front-End resources and tools: mobile UI inspiration, measuring aesthetics as UX metrics, CSS positioning, a critique of design thinking, responsive typography systems, UX workshops vs meetings, design process, a “same HTML different CSS” experiment, why JS is eating HTML, CSS & hover on touchscreens, styling buttons, links, inputs, etc.
Pixels of the Week – February 16, 2020
Your weekly curated UX, UI Design and Front-End resources and tools: working with UI frameworks, large phone UX, accessibility and neumorphism, progressive enhancement, focusing on user needs instead of competition, design systems, notifications refusal rate, responsive typography, accessibility dev tips, CSS transition, CSS in React components, etc.