All my conference talk and meetups topics
I speak at conferences and meetups all over the world. My current main topics are Enterprise UX, UX research & design, Information architecture to build reusable components, documenting accessibility, mobile UX, etc. Also, check my Workshops page if you are looking for UX expert training!

Featured talks
How to check and document design accessibility in your mockups
A lot of accessibility issues can be already foreseen and prevented in the design phase. From color usage to contrast ratios, text resizing, complex interactions, keyboard navigation and more: save time documenting accessibility in Figma mockups with practical tips and a list of selected tools, plugins, and templates.
Transcript, replay and slides of How to check and document design accessibility in your mockups
Improving User Experience with Diary Studies
How we used diary studies to evaluate how users interacted with the product over time, on a large-scale redesign project. This helped us improve the product a lot before final launch. I share my process step by step—from setting up the study to analyzing the results—and shared key takeaways.
Transcript, replay and slides of Improving User Experience with Diary Studies
A designer’s guide to documenting accessibility & user interactions
Why fix it later, when you could do it right to start with? Why, What and How designers can document different aspects of accessibility and user interactions requirements to build better, more inclusive products from the start. ( Penpot remote, Front Conference Zurich, Clarity, Webaim, Id24, axe-con)
Transcript, replay and slides of A designer’s guide to documenting accessibility & user interactions
Adaptive Designs, Beyond Pixel Perfection and Happy Path
By incorporating edge cases from the start, we can embrace unpredictable real-world use cases, and design for different interactive states, content scaling needs, user contexts and preferences. This lets us to move beyond an idealized pixel versions of products, so that we can build robust, inclusive, and scalable web experiences. (Smashing Meetup and WeyWeyWeb)
Watch WeyWeyWeb replay of Adaptive Designs, Beyond Pixel Perfection and Happy Path
A Journey in Enterprise UX
There are lots of missed opportunities in enterprise UX and a huge potential for improving such tools. I share my UX research process for the redesign of a tool used by 1000+ internal users on a daily basis: the challenges, what surprised me, and why I love this kind of job. (Smashing Conference Antwerp, UX Research Munich Meetup and UXChange)
Watch the Smashing Conf replay of A Journey in Enterprise UX
Things I learned while growing as a Designer
I worked for more than 12 years in the tech industry. There is a few things I learned along the way I wish someone told me before when it comes to design, User Research, communication and user experience.
Watch the replay of Things I learned while growing as a Designer
Designing reusable adaptive components for design systems
A sneak peek into my design process for modular components that adapt to the reality of a product, however complex it may be. It all starts with research, information architecture,content models and a lot of designer/dev collaboration (for Friends of Figma Washington DC and Into Design Systems)
Watch the replay of Designing reusable adaptive components for design systems
How Cognitive Biases Influence User Decisions
An online webinar for Students of UXD where Laurence Vagner and I presented some biases and a tools to help make teams and students more aware of those biases. (also for UXGA - Bentley University)
Watch the Replay of How Cognitive Biases Influence User Decisions
Enhancing User Experience With CSS Animations
How can you build CSS animations and transitions in your interfaces that are inclusive, accessible and will enhance your users experience (for Shift Remote and LuxembourgJS)
Transcript, Slides and video of Enhancing User Experience With CSS Animations
Hello my name is St�phanie
For Voxxed Days Luxembourg. From forms not accepting special characters to issues with visa, passports and problems to board a plane, the technical decisions we take have impact on end users lives. It’s about time we acknowledge that and stop letting the needs of the database dictate our interfaces.
See the talk slides & video (FR) of Hello my name is St�phanie
Investing in User Centric Design is a Good Business Decision
I was invited as keynote speaker to open the LOIC’s Innovation dating event dedicated to User Experience – User Interface in Luxembourg. I talked about why and how companies should start investing in user research, about different levels of UX maturity and "How to sell the benefits of a design and user driven process?"
See the keynote slides of Investing in User Centric Design is a Good Business Decision
Cheating The UX When There Is Nothing More To Optimize
A conference on the perception of speed I gave for Smashing Conference, Barcelona. I share how to use different design and UX techniques to work performance also at the level of user perception.
See the talk article & video of Cheating The UX When There Is Nothing More To Optimize
The other older Talks in English
Designing beyond the pixel-perfect idealistic case
I face a challenge as a designer: how do I help bridge the gaps between that idealistic pixel perfect image of a site and the real deal? Between design and dev teams? How to design flexible and modular systems that work with real content, real diverse users with different needs, beyond pixel perfect mockups. For Webstories) and for Nantes JS (youtube video in French), Ask the Expert Meetup and Open Slava
Transcript, Slides and video of Designing beyond the pixel-perfect idealistic case
Introduction to UX and Product Design
A presentation then Q and A session with the students of the Google Developer Student Club Tokyo Metripolitan University on my job as a UX Researcher and Designer
BrownBag Session - Introduction to UX Design (FR - EN)
One hour introduction to what is UX design and what benefits you get from having designers in your project for WIDE, Girleek and SFEIR.
Create better conference slides and presentations
I was invited a guest speaker Women Talk Design’s next cohort of "Present yourself with confidence" workshops that starts soon. I am giving advice on how to design better slides for your first talk
Read the transcript of Create better conference slides and presentations
Growing as a User Experience Designer
A little introduction to my job as UX design and 10 tips I learnt over the last 10 years (and wish I new before) to grow as a designer in tech
There is an app, NO, a web API for that
A talk on unleashing the modern capabilities of mobile browsers to create a truly mobile optimized experience for your mobile users I gave remotely for DevCAkure in Nigeria and UX Design Brest (in French)
See the slides and video of There is an app, NO, a web API for that
How cognitive biases influence user’s decisions
Laurence and I gave a talk on cognitive biases and presented our "52 UX cognitive bias cards" remotely for CPHUX Copenhagen and UX Research Guild Zürich.
Check the slides of How cognitive biases influence user’s decisions
Mind over Matter: Optimize Performance Without Code
This was the first CSSCamp Barcelona and I was invited to talk about perceived performance, UX and how to enhance the perception of speed of your interface once you already optimised every line of code
See the slides and video of Mind over Matter: Optimize Performance Without Code
Pretty, but not Usable
At CSSDay This talk is based on my years of experience working with dev teams that used Bootstrap, Material UI, Ant, PrimeNG, iOnic, etc., to build the projects. I share my experience and process, some design/dev relations tips to help people build a user centric product while working with a UI framework.
Super Powers of Modern Mobile Browsers
Unleash the power of HTML5 APIs and Progressive Web Apps (PWAS) to bring your mobile experience to the next level: geolocation, media, battery status and bluetooth access, offline support, push notifications, launch icons and more, directly in mobile browsers. At JS Meetup Luxembourg and TechFest Bucharest.
Cheating the UX When There Is Nothing More to Optimise
For Pixel Pioneers, Bristol. A talk on perceived performance and User Experience. I take a look at a few projects I worked on to show how to use various design and UX techniques to improve web performance also at the level of user perception.
See the talk slides of Cheating the UX When There Is Nothing More to Optimise
The other older Talks in French
(French) Documentons l’accessibilité en phase de design
The French version of my talk on why, what and how designers can document accessibility. Because a lot of accessibility issues can be detected and avoided in design phase, and design documentation can help with that. (Dev Fest Nantes)
Transcript, replay and slides (FR) of Documentons l’accessibilité en phase de design
Designing reusable adaptive components for design systems
A sneak peek into my design process for modular components that adapt to the reality of a product, however complex it may be. It all starts with research, content models and a lot of designer/dev collaboration. . For Sommet du Design System 2021
Transcript, slides and replay (FR) of Designing reusable adaptive components for design systems
Discover Cognitive biases (FR)
Laurence and I adapted our workshop with 52 cards to discover cognitive biases to an online version and facilitated it for 45 participants for the Flupa UX Days 2021. How we build the workshop (on my blog). Please contact me if you are interested in this workshop in French or English.
Things I learned while growing as a Designer (FR - EN)
A little introduction to my job as UX design and things I learned over the last 10 years (and wish I new before) that helped me grow as a designer in tech. Slides in English
Watch the replay (FR) of Things I learned while growing as a Designer (FR - EN)
Design and Performance, the forgotten cases (FR)
How to design for performance, perceived performance, for those cases that are too often forgotten and beyond, like for offline, background sync, etc. This talk was also givent at CGNwebperf. slides in English)
Transcript, slides and replay (FR) of Design and Performance, the forgotten cases (FR)
Cognitive biases (in French)
With Laurence Vagner at ParisWeb. For the French version of the workshop, we created a 52 UX cards deck to help people discover and understand different cognitive biases and how they influence user and designer behavior.
(French) Aidez-moi à remplir vos formulaires mobile !
A conference for Blend Web Mix, Lyon on mobile form user experience and HTML5 tricks to make those forms more usable.
Read the talk article & video (FR) of Aidez-moi à remplir vos formulaires mobile !
(French) L’UX au service de la performance de vos interfaces
For the first edition of We Love Speed and Confoo, Montréal The French version of my talk on UX and Design techniques to enhance percieved performance on different projects.
See the talk slides & video (FR) of L’UX au service de la performance de vos interfaces
(French) Améliorer l’expérience utilisateur grâce aux animations CSS3
Another conference for Confoo, Montréal. I talk about how we can use some CSS3 animations to enhance user experience of websites and mobile applications
Read the talk article (French) of Améliorer l’expérience utilisateur grâce aux animations CSS3
I also teach and write articles
I teach mobile usability and Responsive Web Design at the University of Strasbourg.
I also have an online blog where I share my knowledge on UX and UI Design, User Research, Usability, mobile optimization and more. Every week I publish a curated list of useful articles, links and ressources. I also write for different other blogs and magazines like Smashing Magazine, Codrops, Noupe and more.